Indigenous Resources
**Update 2021
Welcome To 10 Days Of Truth and Then Reconciliation
This calendar was designed for teachers to use in the days leading up to the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, Sept. 30th.
This resource is meant to create awareness and spark understanding. It is intended to address historical truths while also acknowledging that there is much healing to do, hence why the word 'and' is crossed out. When we commit to engaging in truth, it is THEN that we are able to imagine a pathway towards reconciliation. Truth first.
Each day, there is a suggested resource to use/show/discuss. The resources are designed with learning progression in mind.
Each page is dedicated to a grade grouping: K-3, Grade 4-8, and Gr.9 to High School.
There is one page dedicated to teacher professional development. Watch the video, share in a conversation about it, write a reflection, set an intention, or include these thoughts into your daily prayer.
These are merely suggestions. If there is a different approach you would like to take, that is also welcomed. Feel free to include additional activities.
Slide Show
Here is a child friendly slide show that was created by two teachers at Norwood School. It is appropriate for all age groups including division 1.
It initiates discussions with students and address' the recent discovery of the Mass Graves discovered at Residential Schools.
Truth and Reconciliation
click here for a very informative video
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) was officially launched in 2008 as part of the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement (IRSSA). Intended to be a process that would guide Canadians through the difficult discovery of the facts behind the residential school system, the TRC was also meant to lay the foundation for lasting reconciliation across Canada.

Seven Sacred Teachings (Seven Grandfather Teachings)
The Seven Sacred Teachings, also known as the Teachings of the Seven Grandfathers, is a set of teachings on human conduct towards others. They are what was traditionally and still is to this day needed in order for communities to survive.

Foundational Knowledge requires understandings of concepts, terms and knowledge to shift thinking and attitudes and advance reconciliation. It also provides guidance for the implementation of the First Nation, Métis and Inuit competency from the three draft professional practice standard documents for Alberta teachers, school leaders and system authority leaders.

Leading The Learning
Leading the Learning provides resources that support staff development, from promising practices to illustrative examples from school jurisdictions and supporting resources from Alberta Education.

Classroom Supports
Classroom Supports assists teachers in the design of meaningful teaching and learning opportunities that weave together Indigenous ways of knowing with their current pedagogical practices for the benefit of all students and our collective journey towards reconciliation.

Native Reflections
Find Indigenous based resources to be used within the classrooms.

Stepping Stones: Planning Your Learning Journey
Stepping Stones is a publication of the Alberta Teachers’ Association Walking Together: Education for Reconciliation and is intended to support certificated teachers on their learning journey to meet the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Foundational Knowledge competency in the Teaching Quality Standard.

Stepping Stones: Treaties in Alberta Treaty 6
Treaties are constitutionally binding
agreements between sovereign nations that
set out the conditions for a peaceful alliance
and the extinguishment of title from First
Nations, from the Crown’s perspective.
Stepping Stones: Treaties in Alberta Treaty 7
From the perspective of First Nations, treaties
are built on respectful, cooperative and
nation-to-nation relationships between First
Nations and the Crown on behalf of present
and future generations.
Stepping Stones: Treaties in Alberta Treaty 8
“The Government of Canada and the
courts understand treaties between
the Crown and Aboriginal people to be
solemn agreements that set out promises,
obligations and benefits for both parties.”
Talking Together
Talking Together, a discussion guide for Walking Together: First Nations, Métis and Inuit Perspectives in Curriculum, contains practical ideas for school leaders and teachers to explore the resource in groups or individually. Sample workshops and activities are designed for teachers, administrators, school board members, school council members, parents and community members.